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From the Managing Director
Hansel Ltd
Strategy and vision
Hansel in brief
Key indicators
Organisation and business operations
Internal audit
Hansel’s services in great demand
Expertise that you can rely on
Focus on the customer’s success
Making key projects more concrete
Average age of Hansel employees lower
Annual report
Operations of the central procurement unit
Financial position and key figures
Review of events in 2017
Risks and risk management
Personnel and organisation
Forecast and targets for 2018
Board of Directors’ proposal for the disposal of profit
Financial Statements 2017
Profit and loss statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Notes to the financial statements
Auditor’s Report
Corporate responsibility management
Materiality assessment
Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development 2050
International cooperation helps improve public procurement
Responsibility developed on many fronts
More responsible procurement as part of customers’ everyday operations
Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel
Calculation of key figures
Financial responsibility
Management of financial responsibility
Tax footprint
Code of Ethics
Working guidelines as a daily aid
Central procurement saves public funds
Measurement of impact is being improved
Digitalisation improves procurement efficiency
Open administration benefits everyone
Award-winning openness
Responsible procurement
New solutions to old challenges
Innovative public procurement
New competence centre brings people together
Aiming at a functional market
Satisfied customers and suppliers
Regulated public procurement
Complaints and court proceedings related to tendering processes
Social responsibility
Social aspects included in contract terms
Accessibility included in the agenda
Electronics for the government in a more responsible manner
Safe and modern solutions
Personal data protection
Improved competences, better acquisitions
Procurement hackathon focusing on expert services
Towards a customer-driven culture
New chat service received a warm welcome
Hansel is a good place to work
New forms of working
Environmental responsibility
Ecolabel is a sign of a responsible framework agreement
Environmental aspects in stronger focus in the framework agreement for vehicles
Green Office network meeting at Hansel: Responsible actions through procurement
Hansel reducing its ecological footprint
GRI index
Independent assurance report
Responsibility program
Responsibility program
Read next
Materiality assessment
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From the Managing Director
Hansel Ltd
Strategy and vision
Hansel in brief
Key indicators
Organisation and business operations
Internal audit
Hansel’s services in great demand
Expertise that you can rely on
Focus on the customer’s success
Making key projects more concrete
Average age of Hansel employees lower
Annual report
Operations of the central procurement unit
Financial position and key figures
Review of events in 2017
Risks and risk management
Personnel and organisation
Forecast and targets for 2018
Board of Directors’ proposal for the disposal of profit
Financial Statements 2017
Profit and loss statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Notes to the financial statements
Auditor’s Report
Corporate responsibility management
Materiality assessment
Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development 2050
International cooperation helps improve public procurement
Responsibility developed on many fronts
More responsible procurement as part of customers’ everyday operations
Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel
Calculation of key figures
Financial responsibility
Management of financial responsibility
Tax footprint
Code of Ethics
Working guidelines as a daily aid
Central procurement saves public funds
Measurement of impact is being improved
Digitalisation improves procurement efficiency
Open administration benefits everyone
Award-winning openness
Responsible procurement
New solutions to old challenges
Innovative public procurement
New competence centre brings people together
Aiming at a functional market
Satisfied customers and suppliers
Regulated public procurement
Complaints and court proceedings related to tendering processes
Social responsibility
Social aspects included in contract terms
Accessibility included in the agenda
Electronics for the government in a more responsible manner
Safe and modern solutions
Personal data protection
Improved competences, better acquisitions
Procurement hackathon focusing on expert services
Towards a customer-driven culture
New chat service received a warm welcome
Hansel is a good place to work
New forms of working
Environmental responsibility
Ecolabel is a sign of a responsible framework agreement
Environmental aspects in stronger focus in the framework agreement for vehicles
Green Office network meeting at Hansel: Responsible actions through procurement
Hansel reducing its ecological footprint
GRI index
Independent assurance report