GRI index
Hansel’s Corporate Responsibility Report has been prepared in accordance with the Core option of the GRI Standards. The standards complied with are from 2016.
Background description of the organisation | |||
GRI indicator | GRI definition | Links | Deficiencies in reporting / further information |
102-1 | Name of the organisation | Hansel in brief | |
102-2 | Primary activities, brands, products, and services | Organisation and business operations | |
102-3 | Location of the company’s headquarters | Hansel in brief | |
102-4 | Location of functions | Hansel in brief; Organisation and business operations | |
102-5 | Ownership and legal form | Hansel in brief | |
102-6 | Markets served | Hansel in brief; Management of financial responsibility | |
102-7 | Scale of the organisation | Organisation and business operations | |
102-8 | Information on employees and other workers | Personnel; Average age of Hansel employees lower | |
102-9 | Supply chain | Hansel in brief; Responsible procurement | |
102-10 | Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain | Organisation and business operations; A year of growth and development | |
102-11 | Precautionary principle or approach | Risks and risk management; Ecolabel is a sign of a responsible framework agreement | |
102-12 | External initiatives | Green Office network meeting at Hansel: responsible actions through procurement; Accessibility included in the agenda | |
102-13 | Memberships of associations and advocacy organisations | Hansel in brief | |
Strategy | |||
102-14 | From the CEO | A year of growth and development | |
102-15 | Key impacts, risks, and opportunities | Risks and risk management; Organisation and business operations; Social aspects included in contract terms; Ecolabel is a sign of a responsible framework agreement | |
Business ethics | |||
102-16 | Values and business principles | Strategy and vision | |
102-17 | Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics | Code of Ethics | |
Administration | |||
102-18 | Governance structure and management of corporate responsibility | Organisation and business operations; Corporate responsibility management | |
102-19 | Delegating authority | Corporate responsibility management | |
102-20 | Corporate contact persons and reporting relations | Corporate responsibility management | |
102-21 | Consulting stakeholders and persons in charge | Corporate responsibility management; Stakeholders | |
102-22 | Composition of the highest governance body and its committees, and competences in corporate responsibility | Corporate responsibility management; Board of Directors’ proposal for the disposal of profit | |
102-23 | Other managerial responsibilities of the Chair of the Board of Directors | Corporate responsibility management | |
102-24 | Nominating and selecting the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee | Organisation and business operations | |
102-25 | Avoiding conflicts of interest | Code of Ethics | |
102-26 | Role of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee in setting purpose, values, and strategy and in the determination and monitoring of corporate responsibility goals | Organisation and business operations; Strategy and vision; Corporate responsibility management | |
102-31 | Frequency for reviews of corporate responsibility impacts, risks, and opportunities | Risks and risk management; Organisation and business operations | |
102-32 | Approval of the corporate responsibility report | Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel | |
102-33 | Communicating critical concerns to top executives | Code of Ethics | |
102-37 | Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration | Stakeholders; Satisfied customers and suppliers | |
Cooperation with stakeholders | |||
103-40 | List of stakeholders | Stakeholders | |
103-41 | Collective bargaining agreements | Personnel | |
103-42 | Identifying and selecting stakeholders | Stakeholders | |
103-43 | Stakeholder activities | Stakeholders | |
103-44 | Key topics and concerns raised through stakeholder engagement | Stakeholders; Satisfied customers and suppliers | |
Reporting practice | |||
102-45 | Entities included in the consolidated financial statements | Hansel is not a group. The financial statements provided cover all of the company’s operations. | |
102-46 | Defining report content and topic boundaries | Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel; Materiality assessment | |
102-47 | List of material topics | Materiality assessment | |
102-48 | Restatements of information | Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel | |
102-49 | Changes in reporting | Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel | |
102-50 | Reporting period | Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel | |
102-51 | Date of most recent report | Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel | |
102-52 | Reporting cycle | Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel | |
102-53 | Contact point for request for further information | Corporate responsibility reports at Hansel | |
102-54 | Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards | GRI Standards | |
102-55 | GRI content index | GRI Standards | |
102-56 | External assurance | Independent assurance report |
Topic-specific contents: Economic, social, and environmental responsibility | |||
GRI indicator | GRI definition | Links | Additional information/Hansel’s materiality topic |
103 Management approach | |||
103-2 103-3 |
Management approach | Management of financial responsibility; Code of Ethics; Working guidelines as a daily aid; Digitalisation improves procurement efficiency; Responsibility developed on many fronts; Responsible procurement; Satisfied customers and suppliers; Tax footprint | Financial responsibility |
103-2 103-3 |
Management approach | Stakeholders; Social aspects included in contract terms; Hansel is a good place to work; Safe and modern solutions; Accessibility included in the agenda | Social responsibility |
103-2 103-3 |
Management approach | Ecolabel is a sign of a responsible framework agreement; Hansel reducing its ecological footprint; Responsible procurement; Society’s commitment to sustainable development 2050 | Environmental responsibility |
201 Economic performance | |||
201-1 | Direct economic value generated and distributed | Central procurement saves public funds; Measurement of impact is being improved; Hansel’s services in great demand; Tax footprint | Savings for the government |
203 Indirect economic impacts | |||
203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | Management of financial responsibility; Digitalisation improves procurement efficiency | Grey economy |
203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | Innovative public procurement; New competence centre brings people together; Procurement hackathon focusing on expert services | Innovative public procurements |
203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | Digitalisation improves procurement efficiency; New chat service received a warm welcome | Utilisation of digitalisation |
203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | Regulated public procurement; Complaints and court proceedings related to tendering processes; New solutions to old challenges | Influencing regulations |
203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | New forms of working | New ways of working |
203-2 | Significant indirect economic impacts | Stakeholders; International cooperation helps improve public procurement; Towards a customer-driven culture | Cooperation with stakeholders |
204 Procurement practices | |||
204-1 | Proportion of spending on local suppliers | Aiming at a functional market | Hansel does not calculate the share of suppliers but of framework agreements reached through regional bidding and the number of suppliers involved in them. |
205 Anti-corruption efforts | |||
205-1 | Operations assessed for risks related to bribery corruption | Management of financial responsibility | Anti-corruption efforts |
205-2 | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures | Open administration benefits everyone; Award-winning openness | Transparency |
308 Supplier environmental assessment | |||
Hansel 1 | Consideration of environmental aspects in central procurement | Ecolabel is a sign of a responsible framework agreement; Environmental aspects in stronger focus in the framework agreement for cars | Hansel’s assessment criterion: Hansel measures the share of framework agreements that have received an ecolable of the total number of agreements |
401 Employment | |||
401-1 | Total number and share of new employees and employee turnover | Hansel is a good place to work; Average age of Hansel employees lower | A motivating working community |
401-2 | Employee benefits | Hansel is a good place to work; Average age of Hansel employees lower | |
404 Personnel training and competence development | |||
404-1 | Training days | Average age of Hansel employees lower; Improved competences, better acquisitions; Procurement hackathon focusing on expert services; More responsible procurement as part of customers’ everyday operations | Sharing of know-how |
405-1 | Diversity of administrative bodies and personnel groups | Organisation and business operations; Board of Directors’ proposal for the disposal of profit; Average age of Hansel employees lower | |
Human rights | |||
412-3 | Number and percentage of significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening | Electronics for the government in a more responsible manner; Social aspects included in contract terms | A pilot project for the consideration of social responsibility is underway. Percentages cannot yet be calculated. Hansel is preparing a code of conduct to ensure the implementation of human rights in the framework agreements. |
418 Privacy protection | |||
418-1 | Substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data | Safe and modern solutions; Personal data protection | Data security |