Internal audit
The role of an internal audit is to support the Board of Directors and the Managing Director in supervisory duties prescribed by law and the Board’s rules of procedure, and to perform other internal audit and risk-management-related duties assigned by the Managing Director and the Board of Directors. Internal audit reports to the Board of Directors.
Internal audit operations have been outsourced to PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy (PwC). In 2017, audits were performed on the framework agreement processes related to electricity and the electronic tendering system. In addition, follow-up audits were performed for the actions taken after the internal audits 2014–2016.
The first audit to be performed was that for the electricity framework agreement, and the observations were discussed by the monitoring group for government electricity procurement and by Hansel’s Board of Directors. Reports for the other audits will be submitted to Hansel’s Board of Directors in February 2018, and the objects of audits to be performed in 2018 will also be specified at that time.